HWPL Peace Education : Reasons Why All Things in the Natural World Can Live in Harmony
Lesson 2 <Reasons Why All Things in the Natural World Can Live in Harmony>
👀Have you ever thought about the natural world living in harmony?
HWPL suggests Peace Education how every creature in the natural world lives in harmony.
1. The natural world is harmonious because it is interconnected
- organically connected and interdependent
- no entity can exist on its own on the earth
- global community is connected with different countries and peoples
- relationship between the global community is not of dominance but of interdependence
2. All things in the natural world have their own intrinsic value and thus are harmonious
- valuable and necessary in its own way
- cooperation and coexistence are essential
- continuous competition among races, ethnicities, and nations to assert superiority over others in human world
- respect each other's value is needed for humans
3. All things in the natural world are harmonious because they carry out their roles and responsibilities
- every component of an ecosystem works to achieve harmony and balance
- each country should do their duty and preserve order
Please check this link for more details👉https://bit.ly/3jJt5Qg
This is a beautiful post. I read that over 200 schools worldwide have been designated HWPL Peace Academies. I hope HWPL's Peace Education will really help bring about harmony in today's broken world.