8th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit

 8th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit 

- Peace as an Institution: A Foundation for Sustainable Development - 

The 8th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit was held on 18 September 2022. The event commemorates the promises made for peace on 18 September 2014 by leaders in politics, religions, women's groups, youth groups, and journalism committed to working for world peace. Since then, annual commemorations are held every 18 September, where all parties share peace initiative plans, progress, and results. 

HWPL's vision for peace as an institution goes beyond temporary measures to cease conflict actions and pursues peace incorporated into laws, values, and cultures, which serve as a mode of behavior for all individuals and groups. The world is witnessing daily lives being uprooted due to disease, war, climate, and poverty, which, in turn, undermine human dignity and expose many people to an environment where basic rights are not guaranteed. In response to this, HWPL conducted a campaign last year to build a foundation for human dignity in the foreground, in effect promoting human rights. The event will present HWPL projects on universal human rights and their achievement. 

HWPL has been working with governments and civil society globally for the past year to promote sustainable development and institutionalization of peace in various fields. HWPL has carried out multiple projects in areas such as promoting human rights, protecting the weak, resolving conflicts peacefully, and spreading a culture of peace in order to establish a sustainable system that will maintain a common will for peace despite the crisis and changes in the global community. The event covered the following topics. 

  • MOUs and MOAs with governments and IGOs for peace as an institution. 
  • Expansion of international discussions for judicial settlement of disputes and maintenance of peace 
  • Human rights webinars and media activities to highlight conflict and violence phenomena and raise public awareness of universal human rights. 
  • Establishment of global religious scripture comparison discussions to prevent conflicts and promote mutual understanding among religions 
  • Improvement of access to education to promote universal rights 
  • Establishment of collaborative platform for global youth and women, enabling them to play a greater role in conflict resolution and peace building efforts 
  • Expansion of local region-based activities to promote coexistence and harmony and spread a culture of peace 

Details of the event can be viewed through the following YouTube link. 

