[HWPL] Peace Tours of Man-hee Lee, The First Europe Peace Tour


[HWPL] Peace Tours of Man-hee Lee, The First Europe Peace Tour 

Man-hee Lee is a Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). As a veteran of the Korean War, Chairman Lee encourages people to join together in the peace movement. 

Chairman Lee has started the peace tours since 2012, after he received the command to "end war and achieve world peace." He conducted the first peace tour as Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji) before HWPL founding. 

The first peace tour took place in German on May 11th, 2012 and Chairman Man-hee Lee met former East German Chancellor Lothar de Maizière. They talked about the process of the historical reunification of Germany and had a discussion of the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. With his persuasive dialogue with East German politicians, Chancellor Lothar de Maizière played a crucial role in the reunification of Germany.

Former East German Chancellor Lothar de Maizière explained that he persuaded East German politicians to act on people's desire to be reunited. Chairman Lee and Lothar de Maizière agreed with the reunification of Korea. Chairman Lee said, "The reunification of the Koreas is important to achieve world peace and religious freedom." 

On May 14th, Shincheonji had an informal discussion on the Bible with the Abbot of Göttweig Abbey, Catholicism.

Chairman Lee held a Bible seminar during the peace tour, upon the request of the local branch of Shincheonji church of Jesus. This seminar war reported on numerous media outlets in Germany. 

Resource: HWPL Peace Tours of Man-hee Lee (2): The First Peace Tour to Europe for the Cessation of War - “Recognition of the Importance of the Civil Peace Movement”, https://bit.ly/3AenSri
